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Butterflies are under threat

The butterfly population is declining, experts warn.

The numbers of certain species of butterfly have fallen over the last two years including Grizled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Green Hair Streak, Small Blue, The Wall Brown and Chalk Hill Blue.

Peter Glenister, butterfly recorder at Bedfordshire Natural History Society and Butterfly Conservation said: "Populations of butterfly have decreased over the years due to habitat management.

"Butterflies need suitable habitats and certain conditions to flourish.

"Grass has been overgrown at some sites and butterflies need short grass to get nectar to feed on."

Mr Glenister is retired and has been recording butterfly population growth for three years, he thinks better conservation management is needed.

He added: "We need better conservation management so we can be aware quite early of any changes in the butterfly populations.

"If we don't continue to do conservation work butterfly populations could rapidly decline.

"There has been a general decline of the butterfly population over the past 30 years. Some species have started to increase due to better habitat management and because people are more aware."

Mr Glenister collects data about butterflies from several areas in Luton and south Bedfordshire including The Chalk Hills, Whipsnade, Sundon Chalk Quarry, Sundon Hills, Stockgrove Park, Byson Hill and Dunstable Downs.

Source: Leighton Buzzard on Sunday, 7 August 2005

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